Az hamar kiderült, hogy egyedül képtelenek lennénk ennyi idő alatt kivitelezni az üvegbetéteket, úgyhogy igyekeztem olyan kollégákat, tanítványokat bevonni, akiknek munkájában 100%-ig megbízhattam. Majdnem egy hetet töltöttem könyvtárban, kutatással, tervezéssel. Nem kis feladat volt a megfelelő kézi gyártású alapanyagok beszerzése gyorsan, megfelelő mennyiségben. Főleg Bullseye-t, Lamberts antik üvegeket és némi ajkai katedrált használtunk - ez utóbbi kínos meglepetéseket tartogatott az égetésekre ( persze miután megfestettünk jónéhány négyzetmétert belőle). A kivitelezést felosztottam, az éjjel-nappal tartó munka mellett autókáztam az oszág különböző pontjain lévő műhelyek között. Az elkészült elemeket a határidő elötti napon állítottuk össze. Tökéletesen passzolt minden :) Segítőtársaim voltak: Balogh Eszter, Fehér Hajni, Polyák János, Pomázi Rozi és Simon Kata. Máig hálás vagyok profi munkájukért! ( Hajni, ha Hajós András lemezét meghallom, még mindig a jó hangulatú éjszakák jutnak eszembe, ahogy pingálva görnyedünk a világítóasztal felett :)
Ones we were in Münich, we took some time for Nostalgie: we had a beer at "König Ludwig an der Messe.."I worked several times with Attila Csikós - the sceen designer of the Opera in Budapest- wo somtimes has a journey to interiour design. The first time when I was pregnant with my sun. I had to make 90 m2 of stained glass panles. ( Gabor was born 10 days earlier than we have expected him, so my husband had to finish the last works, I gave the advises from the hospital.)
The second big job I got from him was to make nearly 50m2 painted stained glass panels in renaissance style (in 2 mounth) for a new restaurant in Münich. Attila's team is just unbeliveble. They build opera sceens and they are used to work very precize, very effective, in a very good quality. All the parts had to be ready on a certain day, in a certain size. No faults were accepted. On this day everything was loaded into a truck was delivered to Münich and the next day( or two) everything was built up in the restaurant. No screws were missed...and look at the quality( not the photo we took) Can you imagine, somebody made all those gobelins ( I think there were at least 5 of those) for the wall in two mounth?
The second big job I got from him was to make nearly 50m2 painted stained glass panels in renaissance style (in 2 mounth) for a new restaurant in Münich. Attila's team is just unbeliveble. They build opera sceens and they are used to work very precize, very effective, in a very good quality. All the parts had to be ready on a certain day, in a certain size. No faults were accepted. On this day everything was loaded into a truck was delivered to Münich and the next day( or two) everything was built up in the restaurant. No screws were missed...and look at the quality( not the photo we took) Can you imagine, somebody made all those gobelins ( I think there were at least 5 of those) for the wall in two mounth?
For me it was a wonderfull journey to an other world and I have sepcially enjoyed going several times to the opera for meetings :) I have spent 1 week at a Library discovering german renessaince interiours and glass panels. After the designs were made I have divided the works into several parts and choose some glass-fellows- some students- I really trusted to work with. It wasn't easy to get the glass in the quantity we needed in a short time. We used Bullseye, Lamberts antik glass and some Hungarian table-rolled kathedrals (this last ones were really bad surprices by firing). I have collected the parts 1 day before our deadline. Everything was just perfect. I have listed the name of the fellows above. I'm still grateful for them for their work and support!